How One Canadian Province Uses Icebergs to Attract Visitors

The best advice for destinations large and small as they embark upon marketing campaigns — keep it real. The efforts of isolated, iceberg-laden Newfoundland and Labrador is proof that going with the authenticity “floe” can melt the hearts of potential visitors.

By Laura Powell from Skift

Prize-winning marketing campaigns can put distant destinations on the map. In the case of Newfoundland and Labrador, the easternmost province in Canada, “Find Yourself,” an umbrella marketing theme in existence since 2006, has been a launchpad for creative promotions that have won more than 300 domestic and international awards during the past 12 years.

“Find Yourself is about creating an emotional connection. It’s designed to tap into the heart and ultimately the wallets of the people we are going after,” said Dave Sullivan, part of the Creative team behind Find Yourself.

Just this year, the province received six awards at the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International’s Adrian Awards. Top prizes went to iceberg tracking website,  the Symphony of Sound integrated campaign, and a television spot entitled Conductor.
